About Us


Om Sainathaya Namah

Food is considered as the most important fundamental necessity, as it provides the required energy for all life sustaining activities and nourishes the body.

"Sharira maadhyam khalu dharma Sadhanam"
Meaning Physical body is the only important medium to perform Spiritual practice.

Acceptable Donations of Grocery items

Significance of Bhandara (Annadaan) or Prasad

Since Vedic ages, eating is considered as Yajnya KARMA. Also, the type of food that we consume forms our Attitude. Hence, when food is consumed with the conviction that it is Prasad of God, it not only provides the vital energies and nutrition to the body, but also gives a feeling of gratitude and contentment.

When we memorize and remember something from a book, it doesn't mean that the content is lost from the book. The book still has the content in "Stola" or the physical form, while we have the same content in it's "Sookshma" or the invisible form. Exactly the same way, whatever is offered to God in it's "Stola" physical form is accepted by the almighty in a form not visible to our human vision i.e., "Sookshma" form. But the food would have got enhanced to Bhandara (Annadaan) or Prasad by imbibing all the positive energy through blessings.

Speciality of NESSP Bhandara (Annadaan)

Each Thrusday, around 300 devotees are served and the numbers just multiply during special occasions. The Bhandara (Annadaan) team should be applauded and greatly appreciated for their efforts and dedication in reaching out to prepare the expected amount of food in least possible time and making sure that it never falls short.

All this, while still maintaining top notch quality. Sounds like a typical "High performance team exceeding it's expectations" right? Undoubtedly the answer is YES !!

About the Bhandara (Annadaan) Team and it's values

This team is a group of volunteers who have their "full time professional jobs" and are not professional chefs. Yet this quality can never be met by any professional chef, as they prepare it with Shraddha and Saburi. Along with the hard work and dedication, there is love and devotion towards Baba with which they prepare and serve the Bhandara (Annadaan).

Bhandara (Annadaan)a team has 4 "ServSafe" certified volunteers, two of whom are also trained and certified in safety procedures like CPR etc,.

Volunteering !!

"Helping hands are better than praying lips" is JUST A saying, but when one visits Baba temple ... one can get the Best of both !!

Just a simple thought and with a pure heart, anyone can serve and pray. The rewards are contentment, peace and bliss.

There are so many blessed people spending their time, energy, money and serving as dedicated volunteers ... also known as the NESSP Sai Parivaar. Even after a busy day at work and home, each one of these volunteers ( irrespective of their age.. children, teens, adults and elderly !!!! ) are bubbling with joy and energy to serve.

There is an enormous amount of hard work, dedication and devotion that is put in by these high spirited people, and as a result .. each and every event looks so well organized and glorifies as an added feather to this beautiful cap called the NESSP Baba temple.


Devotees can walk in for darshan on Mon, Tue, Wed & Fri - 5:00 PM to 8:30 PM, Thursday - 5:00 PM to 9:30 PM, Saturday & Sunday 8:30 AM to 8:30 PM

Satyanarayana Vrat Kata
COVID Guidelines

In order to prevent person to person spread of COVID-19 and for the safety of devotees, priest and volunteers and to be compliant with State of Massachusetts guidelines. Your co operation, understanding and support are highly appreciated to follow these policies.

Devotees must wear masks. No devotees will be allowed into the temple without mask without any exceptions.


Donate generously towards the construction and operation of the Shirdi Sai Temple. All the donations are eligible for tax deductions. If you like to donate using check, please send checks to the following address payable to "NESSP". Please email finance@nessp.org for any questions.